In The Media
Interview for United Arab Emirates TV MBC
Along with my colleagues Guillem Alenya (from IRI lab) and Andreu Corominas (from Beta Robots), we were interviewed by MBC1 TV of the United Arab Emirates, in order to express our opinion about the exohand made by FestoAG.

Performing one of two main roles at documentary Wiki Jobs, by Jordi Llorens (Nikochan Films)
During the month of April, producer and director Jordi Llorens from Nikochan Films came to Pal Robotics to film a documentary about how Service Robots are born.

My colleague Victor Lopez and I were selected to conduct the program by explaining at different locations and situations how a Service Robot is born, what does it require to be useful and in which parts of the process were we involved.

A lovely experience that left us with many anecdotes (ask me if you wanna know!)
With Reem robot during Ficomic, at Spanish National newspaper ’20 minutos’
Reem and I, we were interviewed during Pal Robotic’ exhibition at Ficomic. Just a few words about us in Spanish at this link.
Shared view about humanoids for internet TV
During the past AESSBOT11 competition Pal Robotics had a stand there to show to the public our latests products. As one of the chairmans at the stand, I was interviewed by MundoFriki TV about the applications and future of humanoid robots. The following documentary includes that interview as well as other people present at the competition.
Mundo Friki – AESSBOT 2011 from Mundo Friki on Vimeo.
Presentation of a book on autonomous robots research
I did a presentation during the presentation in Valencia of the book ‘Palabra de robot’, about Aibo research applied to the relation between language and our cognitive capacities, to which I contributed with a special chapter. This presentation was covered by several local media.
Read the reviews by two local newspapers (review-1, review-2) or watch the Aibo video demo done during the presentation.
Radio interview
Today I have been interviewed at Radio Barcelona of Cadena Ser about my research on autonomous robots and the implications of using robots on humans’ everyday life.
The interview went through several issues including home robots, exoskeletons, artificial protheses and conscious robots.
An mp3 file (20 minutes, 4.3Mb) containing the interview can be found here (in Catalan).
Article Published on National Press Journal
I wrote a small article talking about the possibilities of reaching the Robocup target, i.e., by the 2050 to have a team of robots capable of winning the best human team. This article has been published on the Spanish ABC newspaper, and a pdf version can be found here (in Spanish).
Newspaper covers opinion on future toys
I was interviewed for my opinion on the future of toys and how robots will change the conception we have now of them. My opinion has been recopiled on an article at the Spanish national newspaper ABC. A pdf version can be found here (in Spanish).
National Press Review of Our Research
Today, the Spanish national journal ‘El Pais’ has released an article about our research activities on Aibo gait generation using neuro-evolution. You can find a pdf of the article here (only in Spanish), or a direct link to the electronic version of the newspaper here (also in Spanish, with no pictures)